Last summer, on 21 June, Minneapolis and the surround area saw a massive storm. Trees were downed, and parts of the city completely lost power for days. It took weeks to get the trees cleaned up and removed because so many massive trees fell down.
For a while previous, I had been thinking how much fun it would be to do photos in the middle of the pouring rain. My neighbor in my current apartment building (who was also a friend previous to when we had moved into the apartment as neighbors) thought this was a fabulous idea.
While the rain and wind pounded against our windows and we kept asking one another if we were brave enough to go out and do this in this storm, we planned out the outfit and what we would do.
We left to go get waterproof mascara... I am laughing at this right now, thinking about that crazy night... Laura driving. The rain was coming down so hard that had we not been wearing raincoats, we would have been instantly soaked. Our first stop for mascara proved unsuccessful, as we found that a majority of Minneapolis had completely lost power, due probably to the downed trees we dodged. (Not kidding! Thankfully, no trees in the motion of falling!) We found a store with power, bought mascara...
And then, true to the style of a Midwest storm, the storm stopped. Almost instantly. But everything was soaked, and the gutters were pouring with water. The air was so wet it almost felt like it was still raining at times. So we went to one of our favorite little streets in Minneapolis... a place we like to say is our "little bit of Europe in Minneapolis." I am sure you know the place if you have been there. ;)
This shoot was so much fun! I love that my friends are willing to be a part of my sometimes crazy ideas. ;)