You know those times when you tell yourself and others a truth over and over again....and you think you get it yourself but suddenly it really hits home?
How many times have I said that it's not about the arrival but about the journey....the rhythm. Somehow awoke feeling discouraged again about many things. Got my butt out the door for a morning trail run. And it was rough going at first. Feeling every hill to be bigger than it was.
And that's just it. Finally on the way back when it was just a minuscule easier than on the way out, it finally struck me.
Life really is about the rhythm. It is about somehow finding our soul's best path, best balance in what we can do for others and ourselves. That rhythm is life. And frankly sometimes just moving in that rhythm is so difficult.
Sometimes the run is easy. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it feels almost impossible. Sometimes your best rhythm is tears and hiding under covers. Sometimes it's your soul bursting into all the crevices of an empty mountain.
It is all rhythm. It is all about balance. And let yourself move in rhythm. Sometimes telling yourself how to when you can't figure out how.
Loss comes. Rebirth comes. Rhythm is yours through all of it. And somehow timing--in this construct by which we manufacture out lives--ends up being what you need
To all in the midst of loss or rebirth today.....may you find rest and movement as needed in your soul's natural rhythm.
Shot with my Canon 5D at Pismo Beach, CA on the evening of 13 March 2017